Our independent ammonia audits are world class – covering all areas of Process Safety Management.

What is an Ammonia  audit?

Risk management audits are a thorough, organised, and systematic approach for identifying, evaluating, and controlling your unique Ammonia Refrigeration plant hazards.

PCBU should program and perform regular gap analysis audits within their Safety Management Systems to meet the on-going obligations under the Health and Safety at Work framework.

So far as “reasonably practicable”, pressure equipment is to be; operated safely within design parameters and maintained in a safe condition under the primary duties of care. The Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace Code of Practice (Safework Australia) suggests 5 year risk reviews. 

360° immersive reporting

We have invested heavily in how we can provide rapid, cost effective and high quality deliverable’s – one of those is the ability to distribute visual reporting. With the aid of our 360° camera and some pretty cool software, we can quickly recon your site and issue you with a truly immersive experience. This method is perfect for the board room to truly appreciate the deficianies identified during our inspection. 

Since we are not servicing your system or providing you with capital plant solutions, we can offer an unbiased approach to ensure PCBU are made aware of all of the risks to their people and process.

Our audits are not only assessed against compliance criteria of joint Australian, New Zealand Standard 5149.1-4:2016 but also include the evaluation of regulatory requirements and references to International Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP) where the local standard is deficient or lacking clarity.

The semi-quantitative and qualitative report format includes weighted criteria guidelines to ensure objectivity and improve consistency, allowing PCBU and Health and Safety professionals to prioritise the mitigation of their unique risk profile.