Workers thrive when provided with hands on Ammonia training, it is easily absorbed and fun. Your staff feel appreciated and are more likely to be engaged with your business, not to mention walk away with life saving prevention and preparedness skills.

Ammonia E-Learning

Anytime, anywhere

Ammonia Awareness

Gain vital insight

Verification of Competency

Transformational learning

In Australia and New Zealand, training workers in hazardous substance safety is more than just a best practice—it’s a legal requirement. Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) and workers involved in the operation or management of industrial refrigeration plants must possess a deep understanding of legislated safety requirements and the safety-critical elements essential for maintaining control.

A thorough knowledge of the unique chemical properties of Anhydrous Ammonia is crucial. This includes understanding how these properties influence ammonia’s behavior under uncontrolled conditions or during maintenance activities. By mastering this knowledge, workers can implement industry-leading prevention and preparedness practices to mitigate risks effectively.

Ensure your team complies with Australian and New Zealand regulations and is equipped to manage safety-critical systems with confidence. Invest in expert training today to safeguard your people, operations, and environment.